How to get access?
For access or ordering service to any of the labs, please contact our contact persons.
Introduction to the booking system
The booking infrastructure for NTNU labs is Bookitlab. For more details on the booking of Macromechanical lab (SINTEF), please get in touch with its contact person.

Bookitlab is NTNU’s new lab management system. It is a so-called CFMS – Core Facility Management System, but that does not mean that it can only be used at core facilities. Basically, it is a booking system, designed for booking and administration of research infrastructure. It can also be used to register lending, use and reservation of other equipment.
Anyone with NTNU-Feide can log into Bookitlab. Those with SINTEF-Feide can also log in, they just have to change “affiliation” in the login.
For more information on Bookilab, watch the following video:
If you do not have NTNU or SINTEF Feide, get in touch with the contact person of the lab of interest.
After logging in to the system, you will be able to search for the lab you want to book, for instance PFIB.

By clicking on the asset of interest, you will get access to its webpage.

By choosing the Reservation icon, you will get access to the calendar of the instrument and book your session.
In case of any question, please contact the responsible of the lab.